We have started a non-profit company for mission work, so check out our website!
Here are easy ways you can help raise money for the mission:
American Airlines BizExtra points: this does NOT cost you anything.
When you make your reservation, enter 784547 where it says BizExtra account number
We get points toward shipping items by airfreight overseas for each $5 you spend on your flight
OR you can invite us to your church or civic groups as speakers
If you know of a group that would like to have a speaker to present a program on Ukraine and how they can help kids, let us know. Some of our best donations come from this source.
HEARING HEALTH INTERNATIONAL INITIATIVES (HHII non-profit, EIN 81-4975692) is a new non-profit started in 2017 that will allow us to give tax deductions for donations given for mission. We are excited about this move and upcoming missions, starting in Ukraine. There is a lot of need out there, and we are thankful to those who assist us in making a difference to so many hearing-impaired orphans and other youth and adults who are unable to pay for this service.
We have many ways you can assist this mission work...
For a YouTube link highlighting our mission staff, some of the recipients of hearing instruments, and travel to different Ukraine communities click here.
Due to Covid-19 we had to postpone our ‘20 visit, but we went to Ukraine in the fall of ‘21 for a longer visit and fit even more children.
‘22-24 found our time remotely finding places to move the orphans when their cities were threatened due to the war with Russia. Our spring mission trip was helping to dispense food, clothing and assist where needed. This summer we concentrated on fundraising and gathering clothing/blankets to keep them warm in the winter (extreme cold + unreliable electricity).
2025 goals:
Visit six major sites and explore needs in another four sites, setting up “mini-clinics” in two of the sites bringing them closer to being self-servicing
We’ll combine our normal Oct “smaller mission” for selecting the fittings needed with our April “larger mission” of actually fitting the orphans with hearing devices and to work with the orphanage project outside of the hearing project
We hope to raise at least $30,000 for both hearing and orphan projects through:
All profits from Continuing Education through Hearing Healthcare Instructional Institute go to this mission
Church donations from many faith communities
Amazon Smile program (Amazon Smile will donate .5% of individual purchases purchased through them to a charity that the individual specifies-our company is one of the listed charitable organizations)
Individual Donations
North TX Giving Day Donations held in September each year-we will put out more info when it’s closer. Any online giving to the North TX Giving Day website under our name will have matching funds donated to make your dollars go even further!
Current Wish List for Hearing Impaired Missions
Any salvage hearing aids- working BTE’s are a top priority, however any aid has a value and use. CIC, Canal Aids and old ear molds are a growing need. Receivers for RIC aids.
Equipment- Audiometers, audiometer parts, programmers, cables, any testing equipment (hearing aid or patient), stethoscopes, chart paper for OtoScan, otoscopes, light probes, scissors, modification tools, motors and bits, tube cutters, tube spreaders/pullers, and ear mold tubing etc.
Software- Any copies of software that can be used to program older hearing aids is of special interest. Programming boxes and cables are a special need.
Impression Gear- Syringes, dams, lights, material (silicone), impression guns and cannulas, wax removal items, folded impression boxes (any label okay) etc.
Assistive Listening Devices and Accessories. - Many times we get a donated hearing aid and could use the accessories for them are missing.
Spec Sheets for older hearing aids- We often need to understand the donations we receive.
Calibration services, Volunteer Time, Cash Donations from Individuals and Groups- Nothing is wasted or unwelcome. We have a Cub Scout troop that recycles aluminum cans and donates about $5 a month. Anyone who wants to travel on a mission need only contact us for information. We have a 501©3 IRS non-profit status and can issue tax deductible receipts for charity donations. Currently it takes $30,000-$35,000 annually to for this program because the need is so great. Travel expenses for our mission volunteers is not paid for by HHII-Non Profit.
Current Wish List for Orphanages
Need funds to provide:
shoes for winter
decent clothing in all sizes
One orphanage we work with has over 100 babies in their care in a facility designed for 36. They are in constant need of medicine, diapers, food.
Contact us to find out how to get involved
Hearing Testing
“HHII works to provide reasonably priced classes and uses all revenue beyond basic business expenses to assist the global mission work to restore hearing to those folks in need.
Annually, it takes $30,000-35,000 to continue the hearing aid program and related expenses (travel expenses are covered by the individual, not the non-profit company).”
“We are attempting to get the institutions self sufficient in testing and care of the hearing aids. It is the same model we used in Romania and that program is now totally ran by Romanians we have trained. ”
Mission stats to Ukraine and other areas--2003 - Present
For those of you who have followed our efforts with hearing impaired children in Ukraine and other areas since its inception in 2003, thank you for your wonderful support! This has enabled us to test, fit and present without charge well over 1000 hearing aids to deaf students (ages 4-17) in twelve orphanages/schools for the deaf throughout Ukraine, served over 3000 orphans in one way or another.
With the war in Eastern Ukraine and the occupation of Crimea, we have lost three of these schools and have little chance that we will ever be able to return to those locations Time will tell.
Our November 2015 trip to the mid-section of Ukraine has given us new opportunities to help hearing impaired children in three new locations.
We set a goal of fitting 100 aids, ended up taking on two more orphanages, and fit 120 aids! Thanks to all of you who stepped up to assist us in making it happen.This brought our total to providing over 1000 hearing aids for children around the world (mostly in third world countries).
In October, Paul went over to several schools with molds/impression supplies for aids we will fit the children with in Spring 2020. This time, Paul trained some individuals on this process, so this can be done by someone in-country instead of having someone come from the US, making the program more self-sufficient.
After attending a traditional wedding of a former translator, we spent most of our time training staff at two different institutions on how to program the hearing aids, how to troubleshoot and repair aids and how to operate the new audiometers we have provided for them. We also selected the seventy children we will fit on our May 2017 trip. We now have audiograms and history's on all of them, so fitting should be easier next May.
Donations of new and used hearing aids-refurbished or rebuild to assist someone in need
Monetary donations are extremely helpful and always put to good use. Many items are purchased locally due to the high cost of transporting medical supplies. Financial donations can come from a company, group of individuals. You can even choose to sponsor a student, class or school-we'll provide pics of them. As we are not a non-profit company, your donations are not tax deductible but you will make a huge difference in the life of a needy individual.
Come with us on a mission! HHII is always seeking able and willing mission volunteers, especially with a hearing aid background. Please contact us for more information about joining one of our mission trips. It is some of the most fulfilling work you will ever do with your vacation time. Travel and lodging conditions are often "spartan" to "very spartan", but the smiles are worth it! If you have a desire to be of service to your fellow "neighbors" and have a streak of adventure; we have a mission trip for you.
Thanks, Radmilla Ludic (attendee of our Continuing Ed seminars), for joining us on this mission! She helped with fittings, teaching and making ear molds. John Sims of the Program for Humanitarian Aid to Ukraine once again joined the team along with Radmilla, Paul & Shirley Gravett. Thanks to Nastya for being our translator, and for the staff at the Special School number 6 who were trained to service the aids and and patients onsite.
Mission Update: UKRAINE 2016-Spring (see more on the Mission Pics tab)
This is the youngest patient (3-yr-old) we've fit with aids. Not an orphan, but in need of aids so she could hear well enough to begin speaking before pre-school. It worked! She heard well enough to begin speaking, and should be able to attend the regular school. Success!!!

’16 spring mission in Ukraine Update
Paul went to the Kiev Special School #6 and Special School for Hearing Impaired in Sumy, Ukraine. An audiometer was donated in Kiev and hearing aids were fitted to the most needy children (250 new and refurbished aids). All children/youth at these schools have special needs; 90+% live at the school during the week and about 70% are orphans or have lost at least one parent. These special schools receive minimal funding (even for teachers) and rely on donations & volunteers. Paul says, “One of the more telling facts about Ukraine is that if you are an orphan or special needs child who is in the system until you are 16 (oldest you can be and stay in a state special school/orphanage); by the age of 30, 80% of these kids are dead, alcoholics, drug addicts, in prison or prostitutes. Since we have been going to Ukraine (13 years), kids in PHA programs have a 60% lower probability of falling into that statistic You can't save them all, but we are making a dent. These kids are often treated like throwaway children. HHII provides hearing aids, which is a small part of the puzzle, but it is why God sent us to Ukraine. If a child can't hear, they can't get an education that will serve in the real world. The average Ukrainian makes about $300 a month. A simple loaf of bread costs $2. There is almost no state support for special needs children; the government itself is nearly bankrupt, roads are falling apart, most of the money they do have is going to counter Russian aggression...There has been a huge population shift to the safe zones and housing and food are tight. Many children attending special schools in the war zone have either been shipped to Russia or simply dumped on the streets.”
“One of the more telling facts about Ukraine is that if you are an orphan or special needs child who is in the system until you are 16 (oldest you can be and stay in a state special school/ orphanage); by the age of 30- 80% of these kids are dead, alcoholics, drug addicts, in prison or prostitutes. Since we have been going to Ukraine (13 years), kids in PHA programs have a 60% lower probability of falling into that stastic. You can’t save them all, but we are making a dent...If a kid can’t hear, they can’t get an education that will serve in the real world.”
How can the school survive? (See mission pic right after the award where you will see the pictures of the following individuals-the picture Paul holds is painted by the kids and is a thank you to PHA and the rest who make a difference in their lives.) It can survive because of the hard work of dedicated staff members and folks like Jim Noyes, pastor of the church across the street from the Special School #6 who provides much day-to-day support. Jim is originally from Dalhart TX where he was a School Superintendent. He is now a permanent resident of Ukraine-he moved there in ’03. Jim is 84 years old and married to a Ukrainian who assists us in translating when we are there for mission work. Jim’s daughter-in-law, Maria Noyes serves as one of our translators and has a special needs child of her own. John Sims is a water treatment specialist from Bowie TX. John serves these schools and orphanages by designing and financing water treatment systems for the children to have good water. He’s a board member of Program for Humanitarian Aid (PHA). PHA handles all the governmental regulations and interfaces so we can go do these missions. John and Shirley have been the main “muscle” behind what we do for hearing in Ukraine. PHA supports orphanages and halfway houses in Ukraine. They sponsor transition programs to get these kids into trade schools and do what it takes to keep these kids off the streets and alive. John is also involved in orphan relocation, especially since the loss of Crimea and the war in SE Ukraine. Paul Gravett is pictured at the end and he and his wife Shirley Gravett are a driving force with a passion for making a difference in these kids’ lives. They encourage folks to donate time, money, batteries, hearing aids (used & new) then takes those resources to the source and tests/fits the children that can be fitted with hearing aids.
You can help by sponsoring a child (all sponsors receive a picture of the child they personally sponsored and have an opportunity to write to the child), or by donating your new or used hearing aids to HHII. Qualified fitters are encouraged to join us on one of our missions. It is truly the toughest job you will ever love! We work for the highest wages there are--hugs and smiles!
If a child cannot hear, they cannot talk and without those two major essentials, a deaf student has little chance for a job, a profession or a chance at a "normal" life. This is why we prioritize the list of those getting hearing aids in the following order:
Those that are 14-17 years old who will be out on the street within months. Every day that a student can hear and talk increases that student's chance for actual survival.
Those students between the ages of 10 and 14 years old.
Those students between the ages of 4 and 9 years old, who have many months before they are out of school. They have the best chance of all.
We would love to fit each and every child who needs assistance. Unfortunately our funds are limited and we must do the best we can with the resources at hand. It costs a minimum of $250 to fit each child, plus the cost of batteries and ongoing support. Our team volunteers their personal time and funds for transportation and support while in country on these missions.
If you would like to assist a child, your donation of $250 would go a long way in improving the condition of one child. If you should feel motivated to donate, please enclose a photograph of yourself. This photograph will be given to the child as a reminder of the person who cared for them from so many miles away. You will also receive a photo of the child holding your photo that is returned to you as their sponsor. You both have photos that are held with honor by both of you.
Go to the "Contact us" tab above to let us know you are interested in donating funds, batteries or aids and we will let you know where to send it.
Earlier '13 & '15 Mission Updates
In 2015, our main planned missions were to Northern Kenya and Croatia, both which were experiencing troubles with nearby countries. Northern Kenya will be completed later this year, thanks to a local HHII contact there-we trust troubles from Somalia will resolve soon. Most of Paul's time was scouting for areas of need in Kenya and working with our local contact. Unfortunately, the Croatian border was closed because of the Syrian refugee issue so that project will be delayed. We hope to return there in the next year or two. Click here to view more pics!
In 2013 we participated in three missions which assisted 125 hearing impaired children: Nuevo Laredo, Mexico, Belize City, Belize and Sinj, Croatia. We expanded in these new areas and set up groundwork for further missions.
Local school Paul Gravett visited in Kenya-2015
Another of our programs assists students with finding trades for later in life. One of the more successful programs is providing opportunities for students to attend culinary school so they may be become bakers, chefs, institutional cooks and pastry decorators. Below is one of the recipies:
Syrniki (Fried Pancakes) is a favorite recipe from Marina, one of our program participants.
Farmer cheese-500 G (about 1 pound)
Vanilla-1 tsp.
Sugar-100 g (1/4 cup)
Semolina-2 spoons
Mix all ingredients. Tough dough should be divided into equal balls. Pour semolina on the table and roll a ball in it, making a flat form 1 cm high (~3/8"). Fry both sides in oil in frying pan. Put pancakes on the plate, pouring powdered sugar on them. Serve with jam or jelly!
Mission History
In 2013 we participated in three missions which assisted 125 hearing impaired children: Nuevo Laredo, Mexico, Belize City, Belize and Sinj, Croatia. We expanded in these new areas and set up groundwork for further missions.
HHII as a mission to restore hearing to children and students on a global level began in the mid 1980's with the sponsoring of a student in Cambodia who was working with audiologists from England. In the ensuing hears, HHII has traveled to Cambodia, Mexico, Croatia, Romania and most currently to the Ukraine.
We embark on missions approximately every 9 months, which involves several weeks of travel to different orphanages, special schools and communities. While the focus is on assisting students who need help hearing, it is also part of HHII's work to assisst schools in other ways. HHII brings needed medicine supplies and also physical improvements to the institutions and people served. Up to one third of the money goes to supply things like vitamins, medicine, x-ray film and infrastructure repairs.
Since conception, support has grown and comes from several major companies, local hearing offices, hearing professionals as well as individuals who have a passion for making a difference in the lives of others. By the end of 2012 HHII will have fit ~800+ aids on needy children and students who had no other way to hear!
Companies who have provided assistance for our missions, and we are acknowledging their "good works of unsung angels".
David Blunk
Provides quality repair and calibration for all types of audiometric equipment, as well as a fine source for locating used and reconditioned audiometric equipment of all kinds.
610 Spirit Valley E Dr
Chesterfield MO 63005