Registration and payment will be received AT LEAST a week ahead of the seminar
Do you have a valid Coupon? (early pay) Deduct this amount:
2 CE's-early pay-($25.00)
4 CE's-early pay-($50.00)
5 CE's-early pay-($62.50)*Maximum value
Cost before the deduction (see on the left)
2 CE's-early pay-$50
4 CE's-early pay-$100
5 CE's-early pay-$125
6 CE's-early pay-$150
10 CE's-early pay-$250
12 CE's-early pay-$300
15 CE's-early pay-$375
20 CE's-early pay-$500
Registration and payment will be received LESS THAN a week ahead of the seminar
Do you have a valid Coupon? (late pay) Deduct this amount from the prices to the right.
2 CE's-late pay-($30.00)
4 CE's-late pay-($60.00)
5 CE's-late pay-($62.50)*Maximum value
Cost before the deduction (see on the left)
2 CE's-late pay-$60
4 CE's-late pay-$120
5 CE's-late pay-$150
6 CE's-late pay-$180
10 CE's-late pay-$300
12 CE's-early pay-$300
15 CE's-early pay-$375
20 CE's-early pay-$500