Exam Prep study for all pre-license state exams
2025 -No Scheduled Dates
(please contact us using the link below to request a date or ask questions)
Click here for information on TX laws on Training and Apprentice permits
Details for Pre-License Prep Course
WHO: To get any benefit from this course you must be familiar with all aspects of audiometry, reading audiograms and anatomy related to hearing. If you are just beginning your journey this may not be the correct time for this class. Read Prerequisites for Pre-license Class below before you register.
WHAT: Prepare for their upcoming State Hearing Aid License Exam 1-3-day class (depending on level of needed review) of test and practical training for state licensure (all state exams covered) OR 1 day practical application "Boot Camp". Handouts will be passed out. There will no longer be a complete booklet printed for each participant.
WHEN: 8am-5pm. Light snacks provided (NO lunch, dinner or hotel included)
DATE: TBD- dates will be added when we have someone contact us w/ interest in the course, and those dates will then be publicized.
WHERE: Living Word Lutheran Church 2315 Ranch Road 967, Buda TX (512) 295-9996 MAP Country setting-no hotels w/in 4 miles, no public transportation near facility, no smoking w/in 20 yards of the building. Nearby Hotels: Hampton Inn & Suites Buda | Comfort Suites | Marks Overlook Lodge
COST: $245/day (save $5 if you pay by check); online registration and payment available. Practical and practice test are included. Those who attend will let instructor know what area(s) they need to cover, or if they want the basic 1, 2 or 3 day course.
DETAILS: The basic training (1-3 days depend on how many people and the readiness of participants), covers: DAY 1) Anatomy, physics, pure tone testing, light practical application, DAY 2) Speech, masking, hearing aids, light practical application, DAY 3) Pull it all together and test taking, more intensive practical application. (Updates have been made for the new test being given for TX).
If an individual only wants the Practical application “Boot Camp”, we can do that instead in one day.
Candidates will need to bring their own materials (audiometer, impression material, etc.) so that they will be well versed with their equipment by the time they go for testing, which is why it is strongly advised to bring the instrument you will take to the testing, not another one. We will some handouts that will help with the written testing and we will go through the practical portion of the testing to familiarize the candidates of what to expect of testing protocols. The purpose of the class is to "tune-up" the candidate in preparation for the Hearing Aid License Examination in their state. The goal is NOT to replace the role of the supervisor in the apprentice process. The material presented will be manufacturer neutral.
HOW: PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED - Maximum number will be 14. Please Register and Pay to assure yourself a seat.
Register online (link above) or by phone.