HHII offers CE's in public, group settings and to private groups. Below are the public group offerings. If the date/location you are looking for isn't below, the course you found listed on a state or national listing is NOT available to the public.
Contact HHII if you wish more details about holding CE's for your own group of offices.
Cost is $30/CE if payment is received at least a week in advance. For more info on discounts click the “register” tab.
(scroll down for webinar sessions):
Houston TX 8am 2/7/25 (10 hrs.) Fri-A seminar FULL-NO MORE REGISTRATIONS!
CHANGED LOCATION! Courtyard Marriott, 12401 Katy Freeway (281.496.9090)
9/6/25 (10 hrs.) Sat-B seminar
Staybridge Suites Houston W, 3251 West Sam Houston Pkwy North (713.462.4720)
room reservations-mention HHII to hotel for discount
Buda TX 8am 2/28/25 (10 hrs.) Fri-B seminar
Hampton Inn & Suites Buda, 1201 Cabela’s Dr Buda, TX (512.295.4900)
room reservations-mention HHII to hotel for discount
9/19/25 (10 hrs.) Fri-A seminar & 9/20/25 (10 hrs.) Sat-B seminar
Comfort Inn & Suites Buda, 15295 S IH-35 Frontage Rd, Buda TX 78610 (512.295.8600)
room reservations-mention HHII to hotel for discount / email HHII for link (link good for month prior to seminar)
Garland TX** 9am 4/25/25 (10 hrs.) Fri-A seminar & 4/26/25 (10 hrs.) Sat-B seminar &
***11/15/25 (updated date-had to change after flier mailed) (10 hrs.) Sat-A seminar
Bass Pro Shops, 5001 Bass Pro Drive, Garland, TX
(closest hotels-Quality Inn & Suites 1635 I-30, Garland 972.303.1601
or LaQuinta Inn & Suites 375 I 30 Frontage Rd, Garland 469.429.3339)
Need Ethics? Choose B Seminar **All Garland times 1 hour later
Tallahassee, FL 8am (Note: Registrations must be received at least 11 days before seminar date-if we don’t have at least 10 attendees by then, the seminar will be cancelled.) 5/17/25 (10 hrs.) Sat--B seminar
Comfort Suites 1026 Apalachee Pky., Tallahassee, FL
2025 “A” Seminar
Classroom: 2/7/25 Houston, TX 4/25/25 Garland, TX 9/19/25 Buda, TX 11/15/25 Garland, TX Interactive webinar: 8/15-16/25
Seminars begin at 8 AM except for Garland, which begins at 9 AM
Fitting Custom & CIC Instruments and Resolving Problems 5 hrs.
This course reviews fitting custom & completely in canal (CIC) products, range of fitting, in-situ testing advantages, Real Ear Measurement, troubleshooting, use of real-ear-to-coupler difference (RECD), earmold impression, probe microphone measures, speech mapping, fitting smaller custom products, best algorithms, troubleshooting temporomandibular joint (TMJ) movement, modifying CIC instruments. This program is offered for .5 ASHA CEUs (Intermediate level; professional area).
Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this course the participants will be able to:
· List power concerns and the range of fitting that may be achieved with customized hearing aids, the advantages of in-situ testing for verification without the use of real ear measurement (REM) and 3 reasons that give the knowledgeable hearing professional an advantage over OTC products. List the proper technique for doing REM on custom hearing instruments and explain the proper methods and troubleshoot the need for modifications to custom hearing aids including CIC, describe basics of probe microphone measures and speech mapping, along with the best fitting algorithms to use when fitting custom hearing aids to a variety of patients.
· Describe the requirements for a proper earmold impression needed for the making of a CIC hearing aid and discuss the best fitting algorithms to use when fitting a CIC to a variety of patients. Describe the clinical effectiveness, range of fitting, and advantages of in-situ testing for verification without the use of REM of CIC aids.
· Describe the proper techniques for correcting loose fitting CIC hearing aids and list the effects of TMJ movement in the fitting of completely in the canal hearing instruments.
Client Hearing Aid Acceptance I 3 hrs.
This course looks at situational and contextual factors, Hearing Aid Test Drive, and how they contribute to patient decision, how to increase new patient intakes, cash flow, patient satisfaction, and hearing aid adoption. How to approach the new patient who just wants to learn about amplification and to help them become a successful, long-time user is also covered. This program is offered for .3 ASHA CEUs (Intermediate level; related area).
Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:
· List 3 inter-individual or situational factors that contribute to patient decision regarding hearing aid adoption.
· Describe the holistic practice approach called The Hearing Aid Test Drive and how it is designed to increase new patient intakes, revenue, cash flow and patient satisfaction.
· List 3 approaches to help make the patient ready to be a successful, long-time user and describe the typical mindset of patients who may not be ready to be fit for hearing devices.
Client Hearing Aid Acceptance II 2 hrs.
**(NOT approved by the AR Dispensing Board for CE’s-fine rest of listed states)
This course covers how to create a management plan by incorporating motivational interviewing, family-centered care, and technology tailored to the patient’s needs, as well as how to utilize a leasing model concept to offer a continuum of care that is convenient, provides the patient with automatic technology upgrades while keeping your clinic profitable, competitive and comprehensive. This program is offered for .2 ASHA CEUs (Intermediate level; related area).
Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:
· Describe (using case studies) how to show empathy and encourage social support for the patient incorporating motivational interviewing, family-centered care and technology to tailor a management plan for that individual’s needs.
· Describe your current management plan and whether or not it needs to be modified and how you would begin that process.
· Describe how to offer an option for a leasing subscription model that offers long-term continuum of care that is convenient, provides the patient with automatic technology upgrades and is comprehensive.
2025 “B” Seminar
Classroom: 2/28/25 Buda, TX 4/26/24 Garland, TX 5/17/25 Tallahassee, FL 9/6/25 Houston, TX 9/20/25 Buda, TX
Interactive webinars: 1/10/25 - 1/11/25 & 12/5/25 - 12/6/25)
Infection Prevention & Procedures 2 hrs.
This course provides hearing professionals practical guidelines and rationale for implementing hearing aid-specific infection control protocols in the clinic including cost comparison of common products and a list of their sources, Covid precautions and other prevalent infectious diseases. Ignoring quality infection control and where it might lead for patient and office is also covered. This program is offered for .2 ASHA CEUs (Intermediate level; related area).
Learning Outcomes Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:
· List several important ways to keep both themselves and their patients safe using the suggested methods and materials for infection control.
· Describe the at risk populations for infections and diseases and tell why we can’t be careful enough in this area. Describe the difference between a new and existing office infection prevention protocol.
· Describe the difference between ‘clean’ and ‘sterile’ technique as well as the danger of only looking to prevent one kind of infection/disease (IE.: AIDS) without considering other and possibly more prevalent infections/diseases.
Ethics of Definitions & Overlaps in Hearing Technologies 3 hrs.
**(Approved by AR Dispensing Board for CE’s, but does not qualify for Ethics-rest of the state boards it’s fine)
This course looks at pros and cons of the newer delivery systems, what the patient and professional may reasonably expect from these products, definitions important to understanding the new technologies, the changes in, and the state/federal overlap of those regulations as they relate to various delivery systems. This program is offered for .3 ASHA CEUs (Intermediate level; Related area).
Learning outcomes Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:
· Describe new technologies and how that relates to their patients, as well as six different product groups that are available to the consumer in today’s marketplace.
· Explain the new technologies like they would to their patients along with regulations state vs. national and possible overlaps and which they are expected to follow. They will also be able to name the suitability of each device as it relates to their patients.
· Describe the lifecycle of technology as it relates to early adopters and mature technologies in the marketplace.
Perception Is Reality-Verification and Validation 3 hrs.
This course explores the difference between when the ‘book’ says the patient should be happy and when the patient says they are. Various methods of verification and validation tools will be given to explore and take home along with targets for measuring outcome results. Individual biases and how they affect the patient will also be covered. This program is offered for .3 ASHA CEUs (Intermediate level; professional area).
Learning Outcomes - Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to
· Create and publish (for their own use) a listing of verification and validation tools for their practice and be able to describe when they should use each and why.
· Review a case study and suggest other fitting options for the patient.
· Describe their own biases in the selection of hearing aid models and how that affects the patient.
Digitals-Myths and Facts 2 hrs.
Claims made on the capabilities of digital products can confuse both the public and professional. This course gives a solid baseline of reasonable expectations along with common misconceptions of processing. Differences between bands and channels and how to utilize each will be covered. This program is offered for .2 ASHA CEUs (Intermediate level; professional area).
Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this course the participants will be able to:
· List several myths and facts of digital capabilities from the patient view including what should be a solid baseline of reasonable expectations.
· List several myths and facts of digital capabilities from the professional view which will assist them in better informing themselves and their patients in selecting the proper technology to assist the patient.
· Describe the difference between bands (discrimination of words articulation) and channels (comfort issues with sound) how to utilize each to achieve patient satisfaction.
Cost is $30/CE if payment is received at least a week in advance, 5 hours each date for up to 10 hours if both Friday and Saturday are attended. For more info on discounts click the “register” tab.
VIA ZOOM—Limited to 25 devices per session
**Note, to qualify for “classroom” hours in TX, we are required to have all attendees have a video camera on their device and keep the video on; attendees must also participate in discussion and BE ON TIME. By registering, you accept these parameters. Individuals need to log on early to make sure they are on the webinar in time. If you log in late, you will not get the CE’s for the current course. CE’s are dependent upon “seat time”.
(Make sure the webinar you sign up for below is not a duplicate seminar if you plan to attend a combination of in person and webinar options-watch “A”, or “B” seminar designations. Contact us if you are unsure. Duplicate CE’s will not be accepted by the state.
Dates for Webinars:
1/5/25 1:-6:15 CT (1st 1/2 of B Seminar) & 1/6/25 8-1:15 CT (2nd (1/2 of B Seminar)
8/15/25 1:-6:15 CT (1st 1/2 of A seminar) & 8/16/25 8-1:15 CT (2nd 1/2 of A seminar)
12/5/25 1:-6:15 CT (1st 1/2 of B Seminar) & 12/6/25 8-1:15 CT (2nd (1/2 of B Seminar)
HHII is approved by the International Hearing Society to offer continuing education for this course. Each seminar is a part of a collection of courses- [CEN-8A-25 - A Seminar, CEN-8B-25 -A Webinar; CEN-9A-25 -B Seminar, CEN-9B-25 -B Webinar & CEN-9A-25 Ethics Seminar, or CEN-9B-25 -Ethics Webinar}, and are approved for up to 20 credits of continuing education (1 CE Credit = 1 contact hour). IHS approval of this group of courses is based on the course’s adherence to IHS’s course approval requirements only and does not imply endorsement of the course content, specific products, clinical procedure, instructor or adherence to the IHS Code of Ethics. Any views that are presented are those of the presenter/Education Provider and not necessarily of the International Hearing Society.
Hearing Healthcare Instructional Institute is approved by the International Hearing Society to offer continuing education credits for up to the number of hours listed above for each course (1 CE credit = 1 contact hour). IHS approval of this course is based on the course’s adherence to IHS’s course approval requirements only and does not imply endorsement of the course content, specific products, clinical procedure, instructor or adherence to the IHS code of Ethics. Any views that are presented are those of the presenter/Education Provider and not necessarily of the International Hearing Society.